Recently, a well-established photographer hired me to teach him how I create my images. I’ve taught before a few years ago when two people from different parts of the country actually flew to Colorado to learn my techniques for two days. I told them they were going to be rather surprised as my “technique” will take approximately two hours max. However, learning to allow the creative process complete freedom may take a lifetime and is a constant muse for artists.
It’s easy in photography to maintain the focus of shooting what’s in front of you, rather like painting a still life. Both can be quite stunning and beautiful. I prefer to create what’s in my mind, an interpretation of what’s in front of me, the essence of it…a metaphor. In order to do that, one must learn to step aside and quiet the mind and allow creativity to arise from a different and often untapped place. That is what I must teach and how does one do that…what’s your strategy?

Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
Dee Hock