“Realization is not acquisition of anything new nor is it a new faculty  It is only removal of all camouflage.”  Ramana Maharishi

Developing Your Creative Vision

  No.1 Sometimes Even I Can’t SeeChance Opening Fall in love in such a way that it frees you from any connecting. But there is no separate self.

Developing Your Creative Vision

Predicament:  (in Aristotelian logic) each of the ten “categories,” often listed as: substance or being, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, posture, having or possession, action, and passion. Lay Bare Intimately…

Developing Your Creative Vision

“Life is a peephole, a single tiny entry onto a vastness–how can I not dwell on this brief, cramped view of things? This peephole is all I’ve got!” Yann Martel, Life…

Developing Your Creative Vision

 Just show up and who you are will simply appear in the work…it’s unavoidable really.

Developing Your Creative Vision

“In existentialist philosophy, the term ‘existential crisis’ specifically relates to the crisis of the individual when they realize that they must always define their own lives through the choices they…

Developing Your Creative Vision

Try something different.  Don’t follow rules.  Forget what you’ve been told.  Ignore your left brain.  Put things together that “don’t belong”. Know that you can keep working until it works.…

Pondering the Leap

In Search of a New Direction “She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for…

Pondering the Leap

Limitations are important and through the “workshop” experience, we limit our choices of tools in order to develop the creative mind, the spirit.  We want to use it as a meditation…

Developing Your Creative Vision

“It’s so strange how life works:  You want something and you wait and wait and feel like it’s taking forever to come.  Then it happens and it’s over and all…

Pondering the Leap