There seems to be much ado about nothing these days. It’s as if discovering the value of that nothingness is what it’s all about.
Category: <span>Developing Your Creative Vision</span>
In spite of the fire from smoking in bed, the story continues, perhaps now it’s just a dream, the other side of the ferris wheel. You can tell that…
Here’s a great line from Julian Jaynes’ book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. He says: There is an awkward moment at the top of a…
I heard she smoked in Bed and set the house on fire. She lays here with a big cigarette in her mouth in the shape of a house at the…
She’s all in her head…too much thought and too little attention is being paid to what’s around her. The clothes are there to remind her of the simple things, the…
Such a colorful thought, despite the apparent lack of it. Wildlife in the bedroom! Laundry in the bedroom! Candles on the cow’s head! I have no idea how she may…
She has pulled herself together as always and has decided to begin a new piece of work, holding a fresh piece of stone in her hands. It’s a bright, sunny…
In the first image she is reflecting back on her previous lovers, gazing up as a man walks in a field near a cottage. She thinks about this both inside…