From the book “A Small Amount of Courage” Sometimes it’s necessary to clear the air, CLEAN THE PALETTE, and breathe in the NEW before you proceed. It’s only the empty…
Category: <span>Pondering the Leap</span>
The iChing is a Book of Wisdom that scholars study for a lifetime, that you could study for a lifetime. With each understanding, we peel away subtle layers towards a deeper,…
Let’s start with my favorite camera app, Hipstamatic. The following images were made using Multiple Exposure in Hipstamatic. This Multiple Exposure can be used with any app combination you like.…
A female poet: “It’s erotically engaging to have connected with the unconscious in a way that’s gratifying and in a way that you really feel you’ve achieved something, even if…
Boats are vehicles used to be transported to other realms. No need to reveal the turquoise waters and the rich green…
I love this image. I love her face. It is simple, clean, void of judgement and definition. She cannot look outside herself for what is real because the tools she…
What are we trying to say? Do all photographs have a narrative inherent in them? Do they suggest a frozen moment in time, or a story or memory that existed…
As we near the end of the year and the end of a cycle we are given the opportunity to take a fresh new approach to the present moment.…