I love creating artwork around healing. Again, I had no idea where and what I was going to create. I began with a photo I took of a Sadhu from Varanasi as a basic figure. The rest of the elements, also from my photos, took a few weeks to show up. While I thought only about adding healing elements, what showed up were also pain elements. But pain and healing are interconnected. The layered fragmented depiction of the figure reflects the shattering of the ego which I understand can be a painful but necessary part of many spiritual journeys. The Spear (Wounded Healer Archetype) may be a metaphor for those who experience deep pain and then gain the ability to heal and guide others. The figure is both wounded and empowered, carrying the tools to overcome suffering. The Yellow Hand is a guiding presence of divine intervention. The coexistence of pain and healing is the spiritual alchemy of transformation – the process of turning suffering into wisdom, strength and compassion, embracing both light and shadow.
However, sometimes we do too much to try to heal which often keeps the pain alive in our present state. We focus on what we lack instead of what we desire. I think the beginning image below might be a better place to reside, letting all that external, physical effort of healing continue in the background and instead focus on embracing our healed self through our spirit, our future self, the person we truly are and know we can be. It certainly is challenging and yet that is the path to take.
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