Just Have to Let Go


We can’t get too comfortable.  At least I can’t.  I get restless.   Once I establish a pattern of working and creating images that  become similar and too easy to make, I sit and search for  another path towards an experience or an emotion that will reveal itself, one I usually cannot verbalize. After creating the image below, I thought it would be about Family Dynamics and not my immediate family but THE family…friends, work, my relationship with my spirit, relationship with my art.



I printed them and decided I’d draw on them and use pastels.  For certain it would be about color but nothing felt right and as I teach my students to pay attention to that little doubting voice, I actually had a conversation with her and asked her to step aside please…I could trust these other parts of myself that had navigated me to what it is I need to express.


I was still at a loss with no sense of direction.  Sit and be still.  Sounds cliche these days but that’s what I did.

I then decided to give up the ideas I had in my head (ditch the family dynamic journey) and put together the color images with my India images.  Sometimes a pathway is just one of the roads in… sometimes it requires several roads and sometimes those two make a third way.  You just have to be willing to let it go.

TheTreeLife and Death on the Ganga

End of SufferingBeginning of the End of Suffering, Creating Space

AwakeningAn Awakening

Journey BetweenThe Journey Between