“Meditation is a way of stepping out of the mind, putting aside preferential thinking that distracts you from living in accordance with the Tao. It is only from the
inner mountaintop perspective
that you can realize that the real treasure you seek has always been within your reach. Meditation is not just sitting on a hilltop away from others, it is also speaking and acting from inner stillness. When you get it right, you’ll feel the resonance within your every word and gesture.
Once you have known that you are not a victim of circumstance but only of your own thoughts, the entire landscape begins to shift. It’s as though there is more time and spaciousness, and life can be experienced as the extraordinary generostity that it is. As you begin to
reflect this generosity within,
even in the smallest gestures you radiate a quality of the divine.”
Tao Oracle, Ma Deva Padma